Hotel Zamek Gniew

Pool während der Stunden geöffnet
Montag Sonntag
9.00 - 21.00 Uhr

An Wochenenden spezieller Bereich nur für Erwachsene
21:00 - 23:00 Uhr

Unser Poolbereich ist ein einzigartiger Ort, der Wasserwahnsinn und SPA-Komfort vereint. Perfekte Entspannung und Erholung bietet ein Komplex aus Pools, Saunen und Whirlpools, die speziell für Ihren Komfort geschaffen wurden. Das Baden in den Pools sowie entspannende und gründliche Reinigungssitzungen in Saunen sind ein obligatorischer Bestandteil eines Besuchs in unserem Queen Marysieńka Spa

Gäste, die das Hotel SPA besuchen, können sich im Erholungsgebiet entspannen.

Perfekte Entspannung und Erholung bietet der Komplex aus Schwimmbädern, Saunen und Whirlpools, der speziell für Ihren Komfort geschaffen wurde.

Im Freizeitbereich gibt es auch ein Kinderplanschbecken mit Wasserattraktionen.

Gniew Castle is a hotel with a swimming pool that definitely deserves a closer look in Poland. Guests are offered the opportunity to swim in the large indoor pool, equipped with two water massage stations. There is also a dry and steam sauna, a jacuzzi and a special room with a brine graduation tower. In this way, our hotel with swimming pool and spa enables guests to relax in the most attractive way possible. A bath in the jacuzzi, like a water massage, relieves muscle tension and relaxes, while a stay in the brine graduation tower will assist in cleansing the respiratory tract.

Hotel in a castle with a swimming pool for lovers of the historic atmosphere

If a swimming pool in a hotel is an absolute must for you, we would like to welcome you to Gniew Castle. We will do our best to meet the expectations of our guests, providing a high level of service. A weekend in a hotel with a swimming pool will be a chance to relax after the hardships of everyday duties and a chance to be more physically active. The pool area is also an additional attraction for those planning a wedding at Gniew Castle.

Our spa hotel with a swimming pool is a perfect option for a short trip with your other half or a longer family holiday. The convenient location makes Gniew Castle an excellent base for exploring the Pomeranian Voivodeship and surrounding attractions. We are able to treat our guests to an amazing historical atmosphere, and emphasising the hotel's pedigree, we organise thematic events, for example, knightly tournaments.

Zamek Gniew is a modern hotel with a swimming pool in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, which guarantees safety for guests. The water in the pool area is regularly changed and meets current sanitary requirements. We make every effort to offer you comfortable relaxation in proper hygienic conditions. The swimming pool in our hotel in Gniew is completely free of charge for registered Guests and will be an excellent attraction, making your stay more pleasant.